40 Liters silent hotel mini bar fridge

40 Liters silent hotel mini bar fridge

No 100% CFC-free, advanced absorption-style refrigeration technology No compression, no mechanical part, no noise Meeting modern life needs Double direction design of the door to match the placing of different room Glass door, make icebox, wooden do...

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38L Hotel guestroom absorption minibar

38L Hotel guestroom absorption minibar

1. No compressor, no vibration, absolutely silent, long working life-span. 2. Auto-LED with cold light. 3. No CFC, use diffusive absorption refrigeration technology. Green-friendly. 4. Lock installation available. 5. Right/left door hinge or glass...

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30L Hotel room minibar

30L Hotel room minibar

1.No compressor,no noise 2.100% CFC free,automatic defrost 3.With LED light 4.Capacity:30L Double direction design of the doors to match the placing of different room Transported easily, no worrying for slanting Full seal design without needs...

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